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 Interlife Magazine                                                                           Interlife Insurance

            English Section



            In Brief

            Shares Acquisition                                Seminars

            Alpha  Trust  -  Andromeda  shares  acquisition  by   INTERLIFE  organizes  Educational  Seminars  for
            INTERLIFE General Insurance Company, announced on   Insurance Intermediaries.
            09/11/22. INTERLIFE acquired 200,569 shares by the
            Issuer, corresponding to 5.675% of Andromeda’s share
            capital and its voting rights.                    Corporate Social Responsibility

                                                              CSR Report 2021
            ATHEX Select                                      INTERLIFE  released  its  annual  Corporate  Social

            INTERLIFE’s stock is listed in ATHEX Select Indice.  Responsibility Report detailing the Company’s financial
                                                              and  non-financial  accomplishments  during  2021.  The
                                                              Company  reports  progress  towards  creating  long-
            INTERLIFE: Financial results of the 1             term  value  for  clients,  employees,  shareholders,  local
            semester 2022                                     communities and all the stakeholders.
            INTERLIFE  released  Interim  Financial  Report  2022  -
            available in the Company’s site.

                                                              INTERLIFE  supports  “SYZOI”  a  non-profit  charitable
            Health Certificates                               Association  that  provides  education  and  vocational
            Health Certificates for children are available in special   training  to  visually  impaired  people  with  additional
            prices  till  30/10/2022  thru  INTERLIFE’S  Health   disabilities  including  psychological  and  social  support
            Programs KinderCare and LIFE Care.                for them and their families.

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