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            Interlife Magazine                                                                                                                                                                                       Interlife Insurance

            English Section

            Editorial                                         In Brief

            Giannis Votsaridis, President & CEO INTERLIFE     INTERLIFE: Increase of Premiums and Profit  in the
                                                              first semester of 2018
            Greek Memorandum: The next day.
            "For  the  first  time  since  1960  (according  to  OECD’s   INTERLIFE  General  Insurance  Company  recorded  an
            comparative  statistics  among  22  countries  of  the   increase  of  10,83%  for  Gross  Written  Premiums
            Organization),  reduction  in  Life  Expectancy  Rate  was   (31,9  million  €  against  28,8  million  €  the  respective
            recorded  in  Greece.  Financial  crisis  and  poverty  are   semester of 2017), while the increase of Gross Earned
            assumed  to  be  responsible  for  the  decreases  of  greek   Premiums  rose to 16,94%.
            population number. Shocking expectances, but in 2050
            the country's population -of about 11 million today- will   During  the  same  period  the  Company  recorded  5,44
            drop down to 9 million. The same -not so distant- year,   million € Profit before Taxes.                               Corporate Social Responsibility                   Blood Donation
            one  out  of  three  Greeks  will  be  over  65  years  old...                                                                                                           The company promotes Blood Donation as a voluntary
            Therefore, an immediate reaction is required in order to   Total  Assets  increased  by  5,28%,  Investments           Elena Topali                                      procedure  that  can  save  lives.  INTERLIFE  organizes
            face this “irrational enemy”.  An “enemy” that we should   (including  Cash  and  Similar)  by  3,97%,  amounting  to   Head of Public Relations of INTERLIFE            Blood Donation Days on regular basis at the Company’s
            not, by any means, underestimate."                180,83 million €, while Own Funds increased by 4,09%,                “Corporate Social Responsibility is a basic element of our   headquarters with the participation of the majority of
                                                              amounting to 72,59 million €.                                        company’s fundamental objective and one of our corporate   the employees.
                                                                                                                                   values... Find more information about our Corporate Social
                                                              Health Insurance & private Clinics                                   Responsibility in our new website:".  Theatrical Play “Mirrors”
                                                              Interview, ”InsuranceWorld” magazine                                                                                   INTERLIFE was the sponsor of a theatrical play that was
                                                              Iphigenia  Ailianou,  Director  of  Health  and  Personal            “Callisto” NGO                                    performed by “Ouranos Me Asteria” a Non Profit Theater
                                                              Accidents  Insurance  Programs  of  INTERLIFE,  in  her              INTERLIFE  has  been  sponsoring  “Callisto”  NGO,  for   Group in Ktima Xristidi, Ano Perea Thessaloniki.
                                                              interview  at  ”InsuranceWorld”  magazine,  underlines               several  years.  The  NGO’s  main  activities  include:
                                                              that the economic crisis and the changes in the public               Biodiversity,  areas  of  high  natural  and  aesthetic   “Live Without Bullying”
                                                              health system “do not help to solve the problems between             value  preservation,  Protection  Management  and   INTERLIFE supports kmop NGO, and its “Live Without
                                                              private  Clinics  and  Insurance  companies”.  However,              Research  on  wild  fauna  populations,  Elaboration  and   Bullying”  online  project,  aiming  at  preventing  and
                                                              she recognizes that some progress has been achieved.                 Implementation  of  projects  for  the  protection  and   fighting  against  school  and  cyber  bullying.  Through
                                                              Talking about technology and digital health, she believes            management  of  wildlife  and  the  natural  environment,   an  online  platform,  children  and  adults  have  the
                                                              that this field opens up new prospects for the economy               Awareness Raising, Environmental education, planning   opportunity to seek for help, get informed and exchange
                                                              and offer great opportunities for private Insurance.                 and training programs.                            their thoughts while preserving their anonymity.

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